UK Politics

Beacon HT 2018, Week 1: "Enough Experts" - Professor Kalypso Nicolaidis

In this week's episode of "The Beacon", Verity Bligh talks to Kalypso Nicolaidis, Professor of International Relations at Oxford, about her innovative and engaging approach to make sense of big-picture current affairs. They discuss the meaning of Brexit through the lens of Greek mythology, the need for union rather than unity in Europe and the role of academia in a world that has "had enough of experts". 

The Question that Won't Go Away: Britain's Exit from the EU and what it could mean

The Beacon is the brand new podcast from Oxford IRSoc. Each week we will be focusing on a pressing topic in the news and interviewing a variety of academics, politicians and journalists to get a range of perspectives.

In this week's podcast Will Yeldham speaks to Dr Tim Oliver, Dahrendorf Fellow on Europe-North America Relations at the London School of Economics, also a non-resident fellow at the centre for transatlantic relations John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies DC. They discuss the regions of support for Britain's renegotiation within the EU and whether a Brexit could prompt a wider disintegration. Next Will spoke to Professor Erik Jones Director of European and Eurasian Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of the Johns Hopkins University. He is also Senior Research Fellow at Nuffield College in Oxford, United Kingdom. They focused upon the effect of a Brexit upon calls for a new referendum on Scottish independence and the wider impact upon Britain's relation with the US and China What are your thoughts? Get involved by visiting our website, Facebook page and Twitter feeds and comment to keep the debate going. We will post details of the speakers ahead of the recording and you have any questions you'd like us address please send them in to