Beacon TT 2018, Week 2: "Make the opportunity happen – Women in IR" – Kori Schake and Caitlin Vito

In this week’s episode of “The Beacon”, Verity Bligh talks to Kori Schake and Caitlin Vito at the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS). Kori Schake is Deputy-Director General of the IISS and was previously a research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace. Caitlin Vito is Coordinator for the Deputy Director-General’s Office at the IISS and is a regular contributor to its publications on armed conflict and migration issues. Kori is also a regular panel-member on David Rothkopf’s Deep State Radio podcast and Caitlin is a fellow avid podcast listener. Together, they talk about engaging young women in International Relations, nerd out about podcasts and reflect on the way in our life-choices shape both our careers and world-views.